Sunday, November 28, 2010

One of life's unrequited questions

Having seen the latest episode of House M.D, it brought up a very curious question. The existence of God. It is a topic of vast ideologies and oft misplaced faith. It is a question, however, that has survived the vagaries of the many centuries and remains, to this date, unanswered. And perhaps, for a long time to come, will remain so. There are many different viewpoints and many varied beliefs. But, in my opinion, that is what it is - belief.

Yes, nobody can prove that God exists. Conversely, nobody can prove that He doesn't either. There are many documentaries that discuss religion and how so many religions have so much in common etc. Personally, I do not believe in religion, but I do believe that there is a higher power, some higher authority. It is inexplicable scientifically. But that is where a little bit of faith, or belief, plays a big role.

A very common argument with most people on this question is that if God does exist, and if he is this all-powerful, all-knowing being, why do people get sick or die? Why do bad things happen in this world? In my opinion, this "higher power" is not another being. It is just a way of instilling self-belief in people and giving them the faith that is necessary to get themselves out of difficult situations. We all feel that much safer and secure if we believe that there is someone taking care of us and keeping an eye over us.

It gives us a sense of self-confidence, especially in tumultuous times, to make it through the darker parts of our life. That is precisely why the whole concept of God has always been about belief and faith. It is belief and faith in yourself, not some other being. This is just my opinion, and I may be wrong, but, as this post has been about, I believe this.

Well, on another note, exam week has started and more or less, come to an end. With four done and just one more to go, this marks the ending of yet another semester. Time really does fly when you least want it to. I can almost remember every detail of New Year's day of 2010 (including losing my phone!) and it's nearly time for 2011 already! But well, thats how life rumbles on and like most others, I'm just hoping to get through this semester.

These final year exams have been a different experience altogether. With none of the tension derived from lofty expectations, these exams didn't even feel like a usual exam week. Yes, there were the same old night-outs. And there was a certain amount of studying done. But the difference was, the previous years we studied to get grades. If we wanted an 8, we studied for a 9 and so on. This time was different. This time, it was all about getting through. Anyway, like all other final years, the last but one is done and the final semester is here and surely, we're going to make it one to remember.

P.S - Please excuse the dryness of this post. There has been a caffeinical disaster in college and that has left me with no coffee in over two days!

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